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International Journal of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1348, E-ISSN: 2664-1356
International Journal of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing
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2024, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Part B

A study to assess the efficacy of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding ill effects of substance abuse among adolescents in selected schools of Maharashtra

Neeta Ambore

Background of study: The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Science (2007) in Bangalore reveals that 70% of HIV patients were alcoholics and they were teenagers. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi showed that every 5th teenagers between 15-19 age group in Delhi takes alcohol regularly. 3,00,000 are addicted and another lakhs needs medical attention for alcohol related disorder
A comprehensive study was conducted by WHO (2006) in Bangalore including a survey of 28,507 individuals from four diverse populations groups the prevalence of alcohol abuse is more in adolescents with 24.2% in rural area, 25.5% in town, 30.3% in slums and 35% in urban area As per research done by national survey on drug abuse and health (NSDUH) (2006) has shown that heavy drinking during adolescence can lead to decreased performance on cognitive tasks of memory, attention, spatial skills, and executive functioning. These behavioral ramifications of heavy alcohol use may emerge as a consequence of the reduced volume of important brain structures, compromised quality of white matter, and abnormalities in activation during cognitive tasks National Drug Survey in India (2005) indicates the prevalence of drug misuse among 371 women out of the try out size of 4,648 persons which is 8 per cent. It is figured that on that point are most 6.25 crores alcoholics, 90 million Cannabis and 0.25 gazillion opiates and nearly 1 million illicit drug exploiters in India.
Methods: In the present study Quasi experimental one group pretest post-test research design was used for the study. The sampling technique used in the study was non probability convenient sampling. According to Polit and Hungler convenient sampling entails the selection of most readily available individuals as subject in the study, it represents typical conditions and researchers knowledge about his population and its elements can be used to hand pick cases. It examines the efficacy of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding ill effects of substance abuse among adolescents.
Results: In pretest, 73.33% of adolescents were having average knowledge, 20% were having good level of knowledge and 6.67% were having very good level of knowledge score. The minimum score in pre-test was 7 and the maximum score was 21, the mean score for the pretest was 11.75±3.58. In posttest 70% of adolescents were having excellent knowledge, 20% of them had very good level of knowledge and 10% of them had good level of knowledge score. The minimum score in posttest was 16 and the maximum score was 28, the mean score for the posttest was 24.63±3.37. Hence it is interpreted that the planned teaching regarding substance abuse and its ill effects was effective.
Pages : 109-116 | 207 Views | 93 Downloads

International Journal of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing
How to cite this article:
Neeta Ambore. A study to assess the efficacy of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding ill effects of substance abuse among adolescents in selected schools of Maharashtra. Int J Adv Psychiatric Nurs 2024;6(2):109-116. DOI: 10.33545/26641348.2024.v6.i2b.179
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