Assessment of nomophobia, behavioural problems and academic achievement among the students of the selected higher secondary school at Hooghly, West Bengal
Soumee Saha and Sanchita Bhunia
A descriptive study was undertaken to assess nomophobia, behavioural problems and academic achievement. 107 students were selected through stratified random sampling. Socio-demographic data were collected semi-structured questionnaire, standardized tools NMP-Q and SDQ used to assess the nomophobia and behavioural problems. Academic achievement assessed by record analysis. The study findings revealed, 69% severe, 26% moderate and 5% mild level of nomophobia, 60% abnormal and 26% borderline behavioural problems, 14% excellent, 36% very good, 40% good and 10% poor result in last board examination. 6% excellent, 30% very good, 28% good and 36% poor result in recent examination. Statistically significant association (t=5.61, p< 0.05) was found between nomophobia and total difficulties score, nomophobia and last board examination (t=7.30, p<0.05), nomophobia and recent examination (t=4.74, p<0.05). There were significant association found between nomophobia with age (0.009 <0.05), father’s occupation (0.01<0.05), mother’s occupation (0.04<0.05), monthly family income (0.04<0.05), duration of smart phone use (0.03<0.05), hours spent on mobile phone per day (0.003<0.05) which were calculated by Fisher-Freeman-Halton exact test.
Soumee Saha, Sanchita Bhunia. Assessment of nomophobia, behavioural problems and academic achievement among the students of the selected higher secondary school at Hooghly, West Bengal. Int J Adv Psychiatric Nurs 2024;6(2):46-54. DOI: 10.33545/26641348.2024.v6.i2a.174