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International Journal of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1348, E-ISSN: 2664-1356
International Journal of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing
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2024, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part C

An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of stress coping technique among high school and intermediate school students studying in the selected schools of Uttar Pradesh

Adil Hussain and Shivani

Background of the study: Stress is common among the students, but when this stress is in excess, it can adversely affect the board exam preparation of the students. The high-stress level can hamper the efficiency of the students resulting in under-performance during board exams. When students are stressed out about board examinations, they must consider how it’s impacting their performance stress has two impacts on the students, it can either enhance or degrade their performance stress isn’t useful if it’s making their school and learning more difficult. Students must try to get rid of anything that makes studying more difficult.
Aims: The aim of the study is find out the average number of students suffering from stress because of their board exam and to educate them about the proper stress coping techniques which helps them to cope up with their stress and able to score good marks in examination.
Materials and Methods: Research approach involves the description of the plan to investigate the phenomenon under study. It is an important element of research design. The research approach used in the study is Quantitative pre-experimental research approach.
Result: Out of 100 sample, the pre-test mean value score 23.19 where as the standard deviation value for pre-test is 11.54. The individual pre-test score is mention in the master data sheet. The mean value is the average score of the students in the post-test. There will be significant association between pre-test and post-test level of stress score with the selected demographic variable regarding stress coping technique among high school and intermediate school students. Hypothesis was tested at 0.05 levels. The t value of mean difference between pre-test and post-test stress score was (t=27.90).
Pages : 150-153 | 358 Views | 128 Downloads

International Journal of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing
How to cite this article:
Adil Hussain, Shivani. An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of stress coping technique among high school and intermediate school students studying in the selected schools of Uttar Pradesh. Int J Adv Psychiatric Nurs 2024;6(1):150-153. DOI: 10.33545/26641348.2024.v6.i1c.159
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