A descriptive study to assess the adjustment problems faced by 1st year nursing students and coping strategies adopted by them at Rayat Bahra College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab
Dr. Deepika R Kumar, Kavita, Babita Sharma, Rajwinder Kaur, Pooja Thakur, Shaveta and Afnan Hamid
Background: There are external pressures in life that come from the environment. Every individual has their own internal demands. The internal and external demands are higher in college students. College students need to be able to meet the internal and external demands to complete their learning. If they don’t, they will face adjustment problems. If they face adjustment problems, it will directly and indirectly affect their academic performance. To address the adjustment problems students face, they need to use coping strategies. What is coping? Coping is the cognitive and behavioural effort to cope with psychological stress.
Aim of the study: To assess the adjustment problems faced by 1st year nursing students and coping strategies adopted by them at Rayat Bahra College of Nursing Mohali, Punjab.
Materials and Methods: A quantitative research approach and proposive sampling technique was used to conduct the study. Total 80 subjects were selected. Adjustment scale and coping scale were used to assess the adjustment problems and coping strategies among first year nursing students. Data was analysed by using mean, median, mode, and standard deviation, range, chi-square test for association and Karl Pearson coefficient correlation was used for correlation.
Results: The result of the study reveals that the 21.3% subjects having mild adjustment problems and 78.8% subjects were having moderate adjustment problems. Likewise majority of 86.3% subjects were having adaptive coping and 13.8% subjects were having maladaptive coping.
Conclusion: Study shows that majority of students 78.8% having moderate adjustment problems and majority of 86.3% were using adaptive coping strategies i.e. accept reality, to seek suggestion from family and teachers and not involved in bad company. The result could provide valuable information for educators in identifying student’s needs, facilitating their learning in the academic and developing effective intervention to reduce adjustment problems.
Dr. Deepika R Kumar, Kavita, Babita Sharma, Rajwinder Kaur, Pooja Thakur, Shaveta, Afnan Hamid. A descriptive study to assess the adjustment problems faced by 1st year nursing students and coping strategies adopted by them at Rayat Bahra College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab. Int J Adv Psychiatric Nurs 2024;6(1):05-12. DOI: 10.33545/26641348.2024.v6.i1a.140