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International Journal of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1348, E-ISSN: 2664-1356
International Journal of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing
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2023, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part A

A study to assess the stress and coping strategies among police constables at selected urban police stations in Bengaluru with a view to develop an information guide sheet on stress reduction

Pavithra J, Gangadhar KR and Devi Nanjappan

Objectives of the study:
To assess the level of stress among Police Constables.
To assess the coping strategies among Police Constables.
To assess the relationship between stress and coping strategies among police constables.
To find the association between the level of stress, coping strategies and selected demographic variables.
Result: Analysis is described as categorized ordering, manipulating and summarizing the data to obtain answers to research questions. The purpose of analysis is to reduce the data to an intelligible and interpretable form so that the relationship between variables can be studied.
This section presents the analysis and interpretation of the data collected from 60 police constables from urban police station Bengaluru. The data collected through modified police stress inventory and coping strategy scale for assess the level of stress and coping strategy among police constable was organized, analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Intrepretation and Conclusion: This chapter presents the conclusions drawn, implications, limitations, suggestions and recommendations.
The present study is focused on assess the stress and coping strategies among police constables at selected urban police stations in Bengaluru.
In this study descriptive survey research design was used to conduct the study which is a type of non-experimental approach. 60 (Police constables) sample were drawn from population using non probability convenient sampling technique. The data was collected by using modified scale of police stress inventory and coping strategy among police constables. Data was analyzed and interpreted by applying statistical methods.
The 60 Police constables in urban police station have willingly participated in the study. The study was based on the Sister Callista Roy’s Adaptation model (1984). It provides a comprehensive systematic framework to assess the level of stress and coping strategies among police constables. The major findings of the study were as follows
Among 60 participants 46% were between 21-30years, 40.0% belongs to 31-40years, 13.3% were belongs to 41-50 years and none of them belongs to above 51 years of age.
 Among 60 participants majority, 91.7% were males, and 8.3% were females.
Among 60 respondents 96.7% belongs to Hindu and remaining 3.3% belongs to Muslim.
Among 60 respondents 11.7% respondents had SSLC, 20.0% had PUC, 58.3% had Degree and the remaining 10% post graduatuated.
Among 60 respondents majority of respondents 66.7% were married and 33.3% were unmarried.
Among 60 respondents majority, 56.7% of participants were belongs to nuclear family and remaining 43.3% belongs to joint family.
Pages : 01-09 | 946 Views | 374 Downloads

International Journal of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing
How to cite this article:
Pavithra J, Gangadhar KR, Devi Nanjappan. A study to assess the stress and coping strategies among police constables at selected urban police stations in Bengaluru with a view to develop an information guide sheet on stress reduction. Int J Adv Psychiatric Nurs 2023;5(2):01-09. DOI: 10.33545/26641348.2023.v5.i2a.125
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