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International Journal of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing

P-ISSN: 2664-1348, E-ISSN: 2664-1356
International Journal of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing
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2022, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part B

Corelational study to assess the resilience and quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS attending art centre at district government hospital, Bagalkot

Sanjiv K Haralayya

Background: The quality of life was reflected accurately with mood disturbance, social support, physical symptoms, distress; self perceived mode of HIV transmission and measure source of financial support. The Resilience and Quality of Life of People are closely related. If one is affected definitely other will also be affected. As per the previous research Resilience plays an important role improving the Quality of Life of People with HIV/AIDS.
Objectives: To assess the Resilience of People living with HIV/AIDS, to assess the Quality of Life of People living with HIV/AIDS and to find the correlation between the Resilience and Quality of Life of People Living with HIV/AIDS.
Methodology: A quantitative approach with Descriptive co-relational design was adopted for the study. The samples from the district hospital Bagalkot were selected using purposive sampling technique. The sample consisted of 100 patients living with HIV/AIDS. The tools used for data collection was structured Resilience scale and structured quality of life scale.
Results: The study result reveal that, the most of People living With HIV/AIDS (66%) had moderately Resilience, 28 percent of them had High Resilience, 4 percent of them had Low Resilience, 2 percent they had very high Resilience and no patients had very low Resilience. Majority of People (53%) had very high Quality of life, 40% of them had High Quality of life, 7% of them had moderate Quality of life, and no patients had Low and very low Quality of life. The correlation between resilience score and quality life score found only significant at environmental domain.
Conclusion: There is a need for the individual, social and family support for the patients support for the patients living with HIV/AIDS to improve their resilience and quality of life.
Pages : 105-108 | 974 Views | 409 Downloads

International Journal of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing
How to cite this article:
Sanjiv K Haralayya. Corelational study to assess the resilience and quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS attending art centre at district government hospital, Bagalkot. Int J Adv Psychiatric Nurs 2022;4(2):105-108. DOI: 10.33545/26641348.2022.v4.i2b.100
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