A quasi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation programme on the level of stress and anxiety among B.Sc. nursing first year students in selected nursing colleges of Shimla, H.P, 2019-2021
Shailja Gupta, Ritika Soni and Pallavi Pathania
Background: Stress and Anxiety are normal part and parcel of life. These cannot be avoidable, but learning techniques to manage stress and anxiety with mindfulness meditation techniques could help to decrease negativity in life.
Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of “Mindfulness”- Meditation Programme” on the level of stress and anxiety among B.Sc. Nursing first year students.
Methodology: Quasi experimental research design was selected. Total 60 B.Sc. nursing 1st year students were included in the study with non-probability convenient technique. Data was collected by using demographic variables, 5-point likert Perceived stress scale and Self structured Anxiety scale. Final study was done at Shimla Nursing College, Shurala and Shivalik Institute of Nursing, Bhattakuffar. A Total of 15 sessions of Mindfulness Meditation Programme were administered in the experimental group for 45minutes.
Result: Findings of the study showed that the mean post-test score of stress in experimental group was lower than the mean post -test stress score of control group (11.50, :t=19.98, p=0.001) and the mean post-test score of anxiety in experimental group was lower than the mean post -test anxiety score of control group (18.93:t=17.57, p=0.001), Hence it can be concluded that Mindfulness Meditation Programme was found to be effective in reducing stress and anxiety scores among nursing students. There was positive correlation between post-test level of stress and post-test level of anxiety with (r =0.568, p=0.001). There was significant association on the level of post-test stress and post-test anxiety scores with selected demographical variables.
Conclusion: The study concluded that Mindfulness Meditation Programme was effective in reducing the level of stress and anxiety among B.Sc. Nursing 1st year students and beneficial in improving mental well-being of nursing students.
Shailja Gupta, Ritika Soni, Pallavi Pathania. A quasi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation programme on the level of stress and anxiety among B.Sc. nursing first year students in selected nursing colleges of Shimla, H.P, 2019-2021. Int J Adv Psychiatric Nurs 2022;4(2):22-32. DOI: 10.33545/26641348.2022.v4.i2a.89