Bio-psycho-social challenges and coping strategies among the family members of patient with substance abuse residing in rural areas pilot study
Suresh Patil and Meenaxi R Devangmath
Background: The family remains the primary source of attachment, nurturing, and socialization for humans in our current society. Therefore, the impact of substance use disorders on the family and individual family members merits attention. Substance abuse in the person disturbs the entire family socially, financially and mentally. Family members may experience different types of psychological problems due to family member addicted with the one or other substance.
Methodology: A quantitative approach with descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The samples from the selected rural areas of Belgavi district were included by using probability multi-stage random sampling technique. The samples of present study comprises of 60 family members of patients with substance abuse residing in the selected rural areas of Belgavi district. The tools used for data collection was structured bio-psycho-social challenges assessment scale and structured coping strategies scale.
Results: The study result reveal that, bio-psycho-social challenges scale mean was 96.83, median was 96; mode was 97 with standard deviation 18.18 and range score of 57-136. Majority 33(55%) of participants were had moderate nature problems, 15(25%) participants were had severe nature problems and remaining 12(20%) of participants were had mild nature problems. With respect to coping of participants coping strategies scale mean was 57.68, median was 58; mode was 58 with standard deviation 10.24 and range score of 38-82. Majority 30(50%) of participants were had poor level of coping, 22(36.7%) participants were had moderate level of coping and remaining 8 (13.3%) of participants were had good level of coping.
Conclusion: The findings revealed that, the participants had moderate nature of bio-psycho social problems and moderate level of coping with situation. There is a need for family interventions and family centered programs to minimize the challenges faced by the family members and effectively cope with the situation.
Suresh Patil, Meenaxi R Devangmath. Bio-psycho-social challenges and coping strategies among the family members of patient with substance abuse residing in rural areas pilot study. Int J Adv Psychiatric Nurs 2021;3(2):79-83. DOI: 10.33545/26641348.2021.v3.i2b.66