Assess the level of stress between B.Sc. Nursing 1st year and 2nd year students
Nilesh Patidat
Stress is a physical or emotional state always present in the person as a result of living. It is intensified in a non-specific response to an internal and external environmental change or threat. Current study in NIMHANS, Bangalore reported that 64 % who committed suicide were 38 plus age group, 35 percent in the age group of 15-29 years included teenagers and young adults failing relationship academic and peer pressures along with poor coping abilities and lack of support system. A quantitative approach with non-experimental comparative research design was used for the study. The sample size were 60 and convenience sample method used. Data should be collected through stress scale. The results shows that the mean score of B.Sc. nursing 1st year was 25.66 which is higher than B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students mean score 24.93 and t calculated value is 0.31 which less than tabulated value, so significant difference showed that level of stress was higher in B.Sc nursing 1st year student in comparison with B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students.
Nilesh Patidat. Assess the level of stress between B.Sc. Nursing 1<sup>st</sup> year and 2<sup>nd</sup> year students. Int J Adv Psychiatric Nurs 2021;3(2):13-14. DOI: 10.33545/26641348.2021.v3.i2a.56