Structure teaching programme on effects of tobacco abuse among adult construction workers in tertiary hospitals Coimbatore
M Baskaran, Dr. A Jayasudha, Santhiya M and Santhosh C
Effectiveness of structure teaching programme on effects of tobacco abuse among adult construction workers in Tertiary Hospitals Coimbatore.
Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on effects of tobacco abuse among adult construction workers.
Methodology: The research methodology selected for this study is pre experimental design, one group pre-test post-test design. This studyincludes 100 construction workers and then the setting for the study conducted from PSG Hospital in Coimbatore, After Ethical clearance got from the committee IHEC (Institutional human ethical committee), PSG IMS&R. The level of knowledge of tobacco abuse and nicotine dependence was assessed. Data were analysed by inferential statistics and descriptive statistics.
Result: The analysis revealed that the among 100 construction workers, 92% had adequate knowledge, 8% had moderate knowledge and no one had inadequate knowledge in assessment of tobacco abuse. And among them 30% have heavy nicotine dependence, 32% have moderate nicotine dependence, 38% have light nicotine dependence.
Conclusion: The structure teaching programme has helped the construction workers to know about the effects, complication of tobacco and they gained knowledge about tobacco and nicotine abuse.
M Baskaran, Dr. A Jayasudha, Santhiya M, Santhosh C. Structure teaching programme on effects of tobacco abuse among adult construction workers in tertiary hospitals Coimbatore. Int J Adv Psychiatric Nurs 2019;1(1):10-14. DOI: 10.33545/26641348.2019.v1.i1a.5